Well I have reached the end of the first week of 2009 mostly unscathed... I have a mystery bruise my knee, several scratches on my leg and a splinter in my foot that is refusing to budge, but on the whole I have survived.

The new year was rung in lying on my sisters couch watching Xanadu. As lame as that may sound I felt that having never seen it I should use the last 90 minutes of
2008 and rectify the situation. Please don't stone me to death for admitting that i haven't seen it... or for now having seen it for that matter.
There was a reason that I had never sat through Xanadu before and that is because it is Spectacularly bad. Sorry to those of you who love it but its only redeeming feature is the fact that is doesn't seem to realise that it is truly gaudy. Though some of the special effects were pretty if not subtle.
The fallowing days were spent in my sisters garden fighting with rose bushes, hence the scratches, though i feel it is necessary to explain that I won as they are now just a big pile of thorny clippings... Annie - 1, Roses - 0.
Hmmm other news...
It is remarkably hard to find leotards for little girls in any size smaller than a size 4... I think this may be a problem that we will have to get used to as my
niece does not appear to be growing all that fast. Ahh... she takes after me in that way!

I finished reading 'Nation' the other day. I got it for Christmas. I liked it... it is kind of dark and brooding, but really interesting at the same time. I had not read any other book by Terry Pratchett that was as easy to read.
It is not as notably funny as the Disk World books (in my opinion) but it has its own sort of dark humor in the face of great adversity. I really enjoyed it... though it smacks a lot of someone who is learning to come to grips with changes that they don't like, or have any control over. My sister told me after i had started reading it that Pratchett has been diagnosed with some horrible and debilitating disease... this may account for the underlying trauma of the story.

My 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog' DVD arrived today. I finally got my parents to sit down and watch it. I had tried when it was on the web but it was having major issues loading at the time. I have yet to watch Commentary: The Musical!
Ohh... I can't believe i didn't mention this first.
Speeling Question: Why does height have and 'e' in it when high doesn't???
Why does the blog put all the pictures at the top of the page when you want them in the middle?
How is it that i managed to walk around the pool without my glasses on yet I tripped on the stairs when i did have them on... hence my foot splinter!?