I have been slack again lately as I have been up to my dark sleep deprived eye sockets for the past few weeks.
So what has been happening...
You will be pleased to know and for some of you surprised to know, (I know I was) that i got a Distinction on my essay. YAY ME!!! I was convinced that I was going to fail as most of the class did (or only just passed). Yes I am fantastic I know, but it seems I also picked the right question as everyone in that subject who picked that question did well and anyone who chose the other questions didn't.
No surprise really that I also receved a distinction for my art book again though. YAY ME anyway (why not it's my blog)!
On another note, I have no more classes for this semester. I do have three assignments left to finish and then I am done.
As for why I am tired at the moment...
Well for part of my assesment I have to work on the third years drama production 'Orphius Decending' by Tenesse Williams. I am the Assistant Stage Manager (ASM) and I am also in charge of the props during the show. The show is long has two intervals and is about vile people. Oh and the Director is a complete wanker (lets hope he never reads my blog). There is two more weeks of it to go, though thanks to Kate's wedding which I am going home for on Saturday I get to miss two performances. That deseves a YAY KATE!
I have also been informed since we opened that I am expected to call the show on one performance. It would have been good if I had been told this before the show opened because I have not realy been paying atention to what has been going on. Bad me. Oh well maybe if I skip a few cues we can get the show to run under three hours. yes I said THREE HOURS.
Well that is about it for the moment. Except fot this picture of ricket powered penguins.