I am as usual complete rubbish at this blogging thing, but I have made an effort this time. Unfortunatly ont on this blog. I have updated a short bit on what I have been up to in my other blog which can be found here:
That one is shared so if you with to post a comment that you don't want Ali to read then coment on this blog.
I hope you are all well and have a FAB Christmas, or whatever you choose to celebrate.
Annie xxx
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Hi all,
I have created a blog for Ali and my trip O.S. You can find it at:
I have created a blog for Ali and my trip O.S. You can find it at:
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The story of the dreaded illness that wont go away... and other things.
I have gotten lazy with this again. I think that is because I have discovered the addictive nature of Facebook. Anyway for all of you who are still loyal enough to still bother looking at my blog this tale is for you.
I unfortunatly got sick at the end of last semester and have had less than no luck in kicking it, infact this dreaded illness just keeps manifesting its self in new and more iritating ways. Currently I have symaltaniously got a blocked nose, a runny nose (yes you can have both at the same time) and blocked ears... OH AND lots of assignments.
Anyway that is enought complaining (after about two months of back to back viruses I think I have run out of steam to complain) what have I been up too:
- I worked on my first student play last term as the Assistant Stage Manager. (All I can say is there is a reason the last student production I worked on was when I was in Primary School.) I found it an INTERESTING experience, in all the possible conotations of the word.
- I received two Credditis, a Distinction and a High Distinction for my first semester subjects.
- Mum Bought me a Car for my birthday, an 1981 Honda Accord. (Don't think I have ditched my Vespa, anyone here at Uni can attest to how iritating I get on a nice day when I winge about not being able to ride my Vespa.) I MISS MY VESPA NOW!
- I am going to see 'Thirsty Merc' on Wednesday night.
- I am still sick.
Well that is just about all the high/low lights of my life at the moment. When I am feeling better I will update again.
I unfortunatly got sick at the end of last semester and have had less than no luck in kicking it, infact this dreaded illness just keeps manifesting its self in new and more iritating ways. Currently I have symaltaniously got a blocked nose, a runny nose (yes you can have both at the same time) and blocked ears... OH AND lots of assignments.
Anyway that is enought complaining (after about two months of back to back viruses I think I have run out of steam to complain) what have I been up too:
- I worked on my first student play last term as the Assistant Stage Manager. (All I can say is there is a reason the last student production I worked on was when I was in Primary School.) I found it an INTERESTING experience, in all the possible conotations of the word.
- I received two Credditis, a Distinction and a High Distinction for my first semester subjects.
- Mum Bought me a Car for my birthday, an 1981 Honda Accord. (Don't think I have ditched my Vespa, anyone here at Uni can attest to how iritating I get on a nice day when I winge about not being able to ride my Vespa.) I MISS MY VESPA NOW!
- I am going to see 'Thirsty Merc' on Wednesday night.
- I am still sick.
Well that is just about all the high/low lights of my life at the moment. When I am feeling better I will update again.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
An Epic Adventure is on its way
Well it is booked and paid for. Ned (aka. Alison) and I are going on an Epic Adventure over seas.
When? you may be asking yourselves.
We leave from Sydney on the 30th of November and fly direct to London. We will then be traveling around the UK until the 20th of January. Where exactly we will go is yet to be sorted, however we do know we will be in Edenbourgh for newyears. After our time in the UK we fly to Italy for six days, then to Helsinki for about 10 hours (we are oddly more excited about that at the moment) and then to Thiland for three hays in the way home. And we get back into Sydney on the 31st of January.
A new blog for Ned and Millie's ( Millie aka. Me) Epic Adventure will be set up in the near future so ou can all keep track of what is happening withour trip.
When? you may be asking yourselves.
We leave from Sydney on the 30th of November and fly direct to London. We will then be traveling around the UK until the 20th of January. Where exactly we will go is yet to be sorted, however we do know we will be in Edenbourgh for newyears. After our time in the UK we fly to Italy for six days, then to Helsinki for about 10 hours (we are oddly more excited about that at the moment) and then to Thiland for three hays in the way home. And we get back into Sydney on the 31st of January.
A new blog for Ned and Millie's ( Millie aka. Me) Epic Adventure will be set up in the near future so ou can all keep track of what is happening withour trip.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Uni Update.
Hello to all,
I have been slack again lately as I have been up to my dark sleep deprived eye sockets for the past few weeks.
So what has been happening...
You will be pleased to know and for some of you surprised to know, (I know I was) that i got a Distinction on my essay. YAY ME!!! I was convinced that I was going to fail as most of the class did (or only just passed). Yes I am fantastic I know, but it seems I also picked the right question as everyone in that subject who picked that question did well and anyone who chose the other questions didn't.
No surprise really that I also receved a distinction for my art book again though. YAY ME anyway (why not it's my blog)!
On another note, I have no more classes for this semester. I do have three assignments left to finish and then I am done.
As for why I am tired at the moment...
Well for part of my assesment I have to work on the third years drama production 'Orphius Decending' by Tenesse Williams. I am the Assistant Stage Manager (ASM) and I am also in charge of the props during the show. The show is long has two intervals and is about vile people. Oh and the Director is a complete wanker (lets hope he never reads my blog). There is two more weeks of it to go, though thanks to Kate's wedding which I am going home for on Saturday I get to miss two performances. That deseves a YAY KATE!
I have also been informed since we opened that I am expected to call the show on one performance. It would have been good if I had been told this before the show opened because I have not realy been paying atention to what has been going on. Bad me. Oh well maybe if I skip a few cues we can get the show to run under three hours. yes I said THREE HOURS.
Well that is about it for the moment. Except fot this picture of ricket powered penguins.
I have been slack again lately as I have been up to my dark sleep deprived eye sockets for the past few weeks.
So what has been happening...
You will be pleased to know and for some of you surprised to know, (I know I was) that i got a Distinction on my essay. YAY ME!!! I was convinced that I was going to fail as most of the class did (or only just passed). Yes I am fantastic I know, but it seems I also picked the right question as everyone in that subject who picked that question did well and anyone who chose the other questions didn't.
No surprise really that I also receved a distinction for my art book again though. YAY ME anyway (why not it's my blog)!
On another note, I have no more classes for this semester. I do have three assignments left to finish and then I am done.
As for why I am tired at the moment...
Well for part of my assesment I have to work on the third years drama production 'Orphius Decending' by Tenesse Williams. I am the Assistant Stage Manager (ASM) and I am also in charge of the props during the show. The show is long has two intervals and is about vile people. Oh and the Director is a complete wanker (lets hope he never reads my blog). There is two more weeks of it to go, though thanks to Kate's wedding which I am going home for on Saturday I get to miss two performances. That deseves a YAY KATE!
I have also been informed since we opened that I am expected to call the show on one performance. It would have been good if I had been told this before the show opened because I have not realy been paying atention to what has been going on. Bad me. Oh well maybe if I skip a few cues we can get the show to run under three hours. yes I said THREE HOURS.
Well that is about it for the moment. Except fot this picture of ricket powered penguins.

Sunday, May 27, 2007
I am electric...
I am electric - feel my attraction.
Feel my magnetism - you will agree
I am electric - I have the contact.
I am electric - the future is me
I bought myself a present the other week and thought I should share it with you.

This is my new Electric Violin/Viola. (It was a Violin, but I changed the strings so it is now strung like a Viola). Isn't it stunning. I am going to borrow an Amp. form a friend soon so that I can play it better. It sounds like you have cotton wool stuffed in your ear when I play it now.
Feel my magnetism - you will agree
I am electric - I have the contact.
I am electric - the future is me
I bought myself a present the other week and thought I should share it with you.
This is my new Electric Violin/Viola. (It was a Violin, but I changed the strings so it is now strung like a Viola). Isn't it stunning. I am going to borrow an Amp. form a friend soon so that I can play it better. It sounds like you have cotton wool stuffed in your ear when I play it now.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I am finaly getting good at this...
I don't even know if anyone reads it anymore. Damn me and my letting you all down so early on in my blogging career.
I am still working on getting some pictures of me for my blog. Only a little bit longer to wait. Sorry!!!!
I am still working on getting some pictures of me for my blog. Only a little bit longer to wait. Sorry!!!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
This seems right to me.
I got the link to this from the Cubins blog and thought I would have a go.

What does your drawing say about YOU?
The results of my analysis say:
You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn't actually dishearten you all that much.
You are a thoughtful and cautious person. You like to think about your method, seeking to pursue your goal in the most effective way.
You are creative, mentally active and industrious.
You have a sunny, cheerful disposition
This is a rather good analysis if you ask me.

What does your drawing say about YOU?
The results of my analysis say:
You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn't actually dishearten you all that much.
You are a thoughtful and cautious person. You like to think about your method, seeking to pursue your goal in the most effective way.
You are creative, mentally active and industrious.
You have a sunny, cheerful disposition
This is a rather good analysis if you ask me.
Here are some random photos of my life in Wagga
Well you know how I told you that I was raining, well here is picture I promised of the 'Doman Falls'.

This is right outside the door at the end of mu coridore. It is a good thing we have a step at the door. The water is about 10cm deep at the bottom of the step. I must remember to bring my Gumboots.
I also have a pet beetle called Graham. I have been keeping him in a jar.

I thought he had died the other day, (I have kept him for two weeks now), but he is still going strong. How long do they live i wonder?
I will have to steal some photos from other people so you can see what I have been doing as I don't currently have any of me.
This is right outside the door at the end of mu coridore. It is a good thing we have a step at the door. The water is about 10cm deep at the bottom of the step. I must remember to bring my Gumboots.
I also have a pet beetle called Graham. I have been keeping him in a jar.
I thought he had died the other day, (I have kept him for two weeks now), but he is still going strong. How long do they live i wonder?
I will have to steal some photos from other people so you can see what I have been doing as I don't currently have any of me.
Monday, April 30, 2007
There will be photos soon. I Promiss!
Hi All,
Well for all my promising to be better at posting I have let you all down once again.
I am now back in Wagga, where you will be happy to know, it has been raining every day since I got here.
There has been a request for more photos. At the moment I don't have many But if you once again bear with me I will endevour to get some soon. I am currently unable to get the photos off my camera but as soon as i can I will share them with you.
For now I am well and may I sugest next time you are in Wagga Come and visit the Doman Falls the newest tourest Atraction. (Pictures to follow soon).
Well for all my promising to be better at posting I have let you all down once again.
I am now back in Wagga, where you will be happy to know, it has been raining every day since I got here.
There has been a request for more photos. At the moment I don't have many But if you once again bear with me I will endevour to get some soon. I am currently unable to get the photos off my camera but as soon as i can I will share them with you.
For now I am well and may I sugest next time you are in Wagga Come and visit the Doman Falls the newest tourest Atraction. (Pictures to follow soon).
Thursday, March 15, 2007
A few things I have learned since I got here...
Here are a few things I have learned since I arrived at Wagga.
1. There is an unhealthy obsession with plastic cheese. You know the kind that comes in slices (sometimes indevidualy rapped). At first I thought that the University was just saving time, but when I got a burger at a cafe and there was plastic cheese on it I realised the truth. WAGGA IS OBSESSED WITH PLASTIC CHEESE!!! May I ad that I don't like said Cheese.
2. Wednesday night seems to be the night that all Uni functions (piss-ups) are on. Strainge day to choose if you ask me, though I don't have any classes on Thursday until one so really it hasen't been too much of a problem. For me anyway, though I don't drink much so the main problem is the noise when the others com back at 1,2,3,4,5 (pick your choice of A.M. times).
3. The bus into town is $1. Not to exciting you say, well the Bus back from town is also $1, UNLESS you go via South campus residences then it will cost you $2. However if you think this is a rip off you can go to the other side of the road and wait 25mins (not that I knew it would be that long) and catch the SAME bus as you as you would have got on before that went to South Campus and only spend $1.
This may sound like a rant, and that would be because it is. STUPID BUS!!!!!!!!
Anyway here is a new count down clock for you all. YAY HARRY POTTER!
PS: send me post, I like letters. Email me if you want my PO Box. Love to all.
1. There is an unhealthy obsession with plastic cheese. You know the kind that comes in slices (sometimes indevidualy rapped). At first I thought that the University was just saving time, but when I got a burger at a cafe and there was plastic cheese on it I realised the truth. WAGGA IS OBSESSED WITH PLASTIC CHEESE!!! May I ad that I don't like said Cheese.
2. Wednesday night seems to be the night that all Uni functions (piss-ups) are on. Strainge day to choose if you ask me, though I don't have any classes on Thursday until one so really it hasen't been too much of a problem. For me anyway, though I don't drink much so the main problem is the noise when the others com back at 1,2,3,4,5 (pick your choice of A.M. times).
3. The bus into town is $1. Not to exciting you say, well the Bus back from town is also $1, UNLESS you go via South campus residences then it will cost you $2. However if you think this is a rip off you can go to the other side of the road and wait 25mins (not that I knew it would be that long) and catch the SAME bus as you as you would have got on before that went to South Campus and only spend $1.
This may sound like a rant, and that would be because it is. STUPID BUS!!!!!!!!
Anyway here is a new count down clock for you all. YAY HARRY POTTER!
PS: send me post, I like letters. Email me if you want my PO Box. Love to all.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Welcome To Wagga Wagga!
Hi All,
Well here i am in Wagga!
I have been a long time in getting here but I have finaly made it. I am having a good time so far and have made some good friends. I seem to be older than most of the people in my building (all 70 something of them) but no one seems to beleive me. Weird that?! There are twelve first years in my course and no one elce in the university seems to be entierly sure what it is that we do. Some thing that did surprise me is the lack of boys doing the course. There are TWO. One in first year and one in second year, the third years dont have one.
My Room is small-ish, about the size of the floor space of my room at home for all those who have seen it, but my room here has a desk in it taking up space. I could be worse, it is a bit old and beat up but there are rumors that they are taring this hall down next year so we are all doing what we want to the rooms. I will post a picture of my room for you later (I don't have any yet).
Las Wednesday was 'Toga Night' which is exactly what it sounds like, a night when we all dress up in togas. Thought it is good to go as a group with a theme. Some of the girls from Doman (my hall) and I went as 'Surviver Doman' I have atached a picture.

(Cat, Gemma, Amy, Lauren, Tania, Tess and ME!)
It was a good night except that I was a bit sick and lost my voice by the end of the night.
I will post more when I have another chance and some more pictures.
Stay well! (Now that I have kicked the traditional first year first week of class cold I hope I will stay well too!)
Well here i am in Wagga!
I have been a long time in getting here but I have finaly made it. I am having a good time so far and have made some good friends. I seem to be older than most of the people in my building (all 70 something of them) but no one seems to beleive me. Weird that?! There are twelve first years in my course and no one elce in the university seems to be entierly sure what it is that we do. Some thing that did surprise me is the lack of boys doing the course. There are TWO. One in first year and one in second year, the third years dont have one.
My Room is small-ish, about the size of the floor space of my room at home for all those who have seen it, but my room here has a desk in it taking up space. I could be worse, it is a bit old and beat up but there are rumors that they are taring this hall down next year so we are all doing what we want to the rooms. I will post a picture of my room for you later (I don't have any yet).
Las Wednesday was 'Toga Night' which is exactly what it sounds like, a night when we all dress up in togas. Thought it is good to go as a group with a theme. Some of the girls from Doman (my hall) and I went as 'Surviver Doman' I have atached a picture.
(Cat, Gemma, Amy, Lauren, Tania, Tess and ME!)
It was a good night except that I was a bit sick and lost my voice by the end of the night.
I will post more when I have another chance and some more pictures.
Stay well! (Now that I have kicked the traditional first year first week of class cold I hope I will stay well too!)
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