I have been really bad at this whole blog thing. I am not going to lie and say that I will be better in the future because as we know I probably wont. I am just going to catch you up on the highlites of the past months over the next few days.
So in the immortal words of Julie Andrews " lets start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start."
You all know know from my last post that I was going to do some costumes for a play called M. Butterfly. The show went well and I managed to Finnish them all just in time. (Thanks Helen for your help.) I have posted some of them here for you to see. I only had ten minutes to photograph them all so some of the pictures are not as good as I wanted and you cant see the detail.

I made this jacket from scratch and I had no pattern I was rather pleased with it in the end however I will never again make costumes out of shear fabric ever again. It was not my idea to and as you can see it was a running theme through out.

You cant see the detail on this one. It had a brown zig-zag sew al the way down the front from the collar to the ground. It was one of those things that didn't show up from a distance but looked really cool up closer.

I made this one by altering a diner jacket that I bought from the salvos. This was one of my favorites. The jacket didn't fit him so I cut it in half down the back and added a bit of fabric mesh (kind of like fly screen) and did the same at the front. I came out kinda well.

This one was the bane of my existence. It looks cool and so it damn well should fro the time it took to sew it pull it apart and sew it again. It just didn't work the first time. It made him (yes that is a guy) look like a balloon.

It is a pity this picture is dark. This one was really pretty and I had used some of the leftover fabric from my year ten formal dress to make it.

This kimono was prity with the yellow blossoms embroidered on it.

This one had this crazy silver stripe running through it so it kind of glittered.
The photos don't really do it justice. You really had to see them move. I also made two other jackets, a night shirt and cap, a pair of fake boobies, three Mao suits and altered numerous other garments.
Out of this I also got sucked into helping on yet another show. "He died with a felafel in his hand".
From what I can remember not a lot more happened in May. I think I got sick, but that is about it. I didn't even see a movie so I cant even review one for you though I did see a couple in June, but that will have to wait untl next time when I come to you with: JUNE - No pionts for guessing what I did in June.