Here goes:
As I am a glutton for punishment and have not yet learned my lesson about volunteering I have found myself once again making costumes. (Mind you this is a lesson that some people never learn in my experience.)

However this is not the end of my costuming jobs. I have finely taken the plunge and am designing and making the costumes for a show called 'M. Butterfly'.

Mum and dad have been away (not to the same place, dad went to Darwin and mum went to England) so I had the house to myself for a couple of weeks, which was good while I was cutting out costumes as there was no one to complain about the fact that I made the house look like a Chinese laundry (literally). Dad is back now and a ll I have to say is thank god it isn't mum that has come back as dad is less pernickety about my "creative space", aka. Mess.
Well that is what has been filling in my time for the past few weeks. And to tell you the truth I cant remember anything all that exciting that happened before all now. Bit here are some totally random things I thought I should share with the world:
1. I got an Exceeds Expectations grade on my W.O.M.B.A.T. (Wizards' Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Test) I was very excited as it was harder than I had thought it would be.

2: Did you know that the band Franz Ferdinand was named after some guy whose assassination was the tipping point that started WW1?!
3. I found a Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Movie Count down clock on The Leaky Cauldron website and it made me laugh. (Please do not take me for one of these obsessed people because I am in a class apart. I just thought is was funny)
( Please note that I am having trouble posting the clock in here so I will post it seperate and hope it works)
4. I like movies!
Not so random you say?! Well I have disided that this is the place to Publish (or inflict) my movie reviews on an un suspecting public. ( Please try to me unsuspecting as it is more fun for me.) So I now Welcom you to:
I am going to review the last film I saw which was:
She's the Man

Directed By: Andy Finkman (hee hee hee! His name makes me laugh, Finkman, haa haa)
Based on Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, with some odd things done to it by some people I have never heard of. (see link for details )
Amanda Bynes as Viola
Channing Tatum as Duke
Laura Ramsey as Olivia
and James Kirk as Sebastian
(Is it just me or is this just a little to familiar?!)
for all of you who know Twelfth Night let me reset the scene for you.
There is no ship; there is a high school soccer team.
There is no ship wreak; there is a bitter rivalry between the girl's soccer team and the boy's soccer team.
Sebastian is not lost at sea; he sneaks of to London to play with some rock band.
Viola dose not dress as her brother, Sebastian, to support herself now that she is alone in the world; she does dress as her brother so that she can pretend to be her brother at his new school (where conveniently no one has ever seen him so don't suspect a thing) and join the boy's soccer team so that she can beat the boy's team at her school.

From there the story runs thus.
Viola falls for Duke her (Sebastian's) room mate, who is a little slow on the uptake when it comes to realizing that he is being hit on. Meanwhile Duke has a crush on Olivia who has a crush on Sebastian (aka. Viola) and the real Sebastian is away so we don't care about him. (sound right?!) This all pans out well for all involved, and surprisingly, no one in therapy. Go figure!
This is all played totally un-convincingly by Amanda Bynes, though it is rather amusing to watch knowing that the other characters are supposed to be convinced by her act.
My Verdict - Funny for all the wrong reasons. Easter holiday movie that is not worth going to unless you have a discount movie ticket (I did). I enjoyed it because that is what it is there for, but not for any other reasons.
Empire gave it 2 Stars and it was worth both of them, so it can have 2 from me as well.
She's The Man **
(Out now in Australia)
(if you know of anything good coming out or recently on DVD that you thing I should see let me know)
Well that is it for today I will keep you posted and will bring you more ANNIE'S MOVIE REVIEWS.
Hope you are all well love to all